April 26, 2018
Get to Know Holistic Chef, Eve Watson.
When / how / why did you get into holistic cooking?
Holistic cooking has luckily always been a part of my life. My mum always made us wholesome meals and brought myself, brother and sister up to have a great respect for food, where it comes from and how it eat it. My introduction to the world of anti inflammatory diets was when I read "Make Peace with your Plate" by Jess Ainscough and then 6 months later began working for my friend's budding business, NOOD. NOOD revolved around a gluten, dairy and refined sugar free diet. I worked with one other girl, called Tess, a New Zealander who's family live on a certified organic orchard. Tess is vegan and between her and my boss Nikki, the world of holistic cooking opened up to me.

What is your favourite thing to cook and why?
My favourite thing to make are dips. The ritual of having friends around for a new type of hummus with an assortment of epic dipping morsels puts the biggest smile on my face. They are my favourite because they are so simple, can be quick, so good to eat, and more often then not mean I get to hang out with my favourite people too.
What are the most important foods to eat organic?
The most important foods to eat organic, are those that you love. Strawberries, blueberries, nectarines, apples, celery, spinach, kale and potatoes are known to contain higher amounts of harmful chemicals so prioritising those could be good. When living in a city, eating organically can be challenging for many reasons, I feel it's key to start small, making simple changes which have longevity. For example, I always buy organic bananas because they are sooo much richer then non organic bananas and I love them, so it was an easy first step.
For those who live in a city or don’t have space to grow their own produce, what can they do on a small scale to live more sustainably?
No matter how much space you have, the opportunity to grow food is available to everyone. Even if that's a small herb pot which sits on your window sill, feeling connected to the growing process of your food is grounding and eye opening. When living in a city, living sustainably can seem out of reach but this is so un true! Three actions I take which are simple for city living are:
Always use a reusable coffee cup.
Minimise plastic usage. Bamboo toothbrushes, using beeswax wraps or putting sandwiches in containers rather than glad wrap or plates on top of leftover meals, and using reusable shopping bags for everything, food, clothes, the lot! And don't buy fresh food wrapped in plastic!
Consciously use energy which has cost the earth. Don't use air conditioning unless you're desperate, use electrical appliances, if you need to by new food storage containers buy them made out of glass or a material which will last.
What foods are best to eat to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant?
The best foods to keep your skin glowing, are those your body best responds to. The skin is directly linked to the nervous system, so therefore having a more even response to stress and keeping your second brain - the stomach - happy are keys to being the most radiant you. Keffir, peppermint, apple cider vinegar with the mother, and eating as many whole, un processed foods as possible will all aid your gut health. You may not be able to grind your own grains, but using wholegrain flours, or brown rice instead of white, all make a difference. Ultimately it is about getting in touch with your body, and listening in every time you eat, so you begin to create your own list of foods for a healthy glow.